Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Microsoft CRM Customization: My new world of discovery

I work with customer every day, but unlike many others I don’t have to focus on business. I have to focus on the customers, hear and listen to them. Each customer adds value to our business and each customer is of importance. My company expects and believes that each customer is for life. As the head of the customer satisfaction and retention department, we always had lots of analysis and tons of data management and update going on in our department. This meant lots of work, employee commitment round the clock and time loss in working hours when we had a new report in the making.

Microsoft CRM Customization

Then our company implemented the Microsoft CRM software and the great news was, I was perhaps the happiest person in the entire office. The Microsoft CRM Customization handled all my requirements so well that I was beyond words. Obviously, there were a few initial hiccups and troubles but the system we have in place now, has enabled me to make decisions more quickly, analyze faster and use my team’s work hours better, efficiently and effectively. This has also let the pressure ease from my team, made them much more motivated, and excited about showing up for work each day.

Other Microsoft CRM Customization related posts:

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